Wednesday, April 9, 2014

8 Ways to Slim down the healthy way

The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. While losing weight is a matter of consistency, you do need to set some basic goals and guidelines on how to achieve your target. Try these simple solutions for cutting calories, starting and sticking to an exercise regimen and more.

When going on a weight loss program or any other motivation is the key. Find your motivation and then keep that in mind when you challenge yourself. This will help keep you going.

2.Never skip breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having a healthy breakfast ensures you will be having less cravings throughout the day and thus you are less likely to indulge in fattening foods. Some breakfast choices can also boost your metabolism.

3. Control portions
The best way to control portion without feeling that you are deprived is eat in a smaller plate, the plate will be full which will mentally be more satisfying for you but at the same time you are eating less than you normally would.

4.Cut 100 calories from your day
Losing weight is all about lowering calorie intake. By cutting only 100 calories a day you wont even know that you are missing on something.

5.Have snacks in between meals
Consuming snacks in between meals is important when you are losing weight. It helps stave off hunger and keeps your diet on track. Some healthy snack choices are :
  a)Low-calorie yogurt or frozen yogurt
  b)Sugar-free pudding with a graham cracker to dip
  c) A handful of nuts
  d)One fruit

6.Plan your meals beforehand
When you have your meals planned you will be having the ingredients at hand to prepare your meals thus you are less likely to go out & indulge in rather unhealthy options.

Diet alone will shed the pounds but for the results to show on your body its important you incorporate some sort of exercise in your routine. Not only will it burn the extra calories and take you closer to your goal it will also ensure your heart is in good condition.

8.Do not starve
When you stay hungry for longer periods of time your body will get scared and it will even store the healthiest of foods you eat as fats since it doesn't know when will the next meal come.

Conclusion :

Weight loss is a matter of commitment and consistency . By crash diets you might be able to lose weight temporarily but that affects your health adversely, in order to lose weight the healthy way you must not rush yourself . Just follow these guidelines and you will be smart & healthy very soon.

Related slimming products:
Skin Doctor Hip Up Cream
                   Spa perfect shape cream                         Dr James 7 Day slimming gel

Hip up cream                                   Dr. James SPA                                Dr. James 7 Days
with ginseng extract.                         Perfect Shape Cream                       Slimming gel

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